IQ membership is Free. Supporting is Voluntary.

IQ is provided entirely by the community!

Membership to Infinite Quality is free and support is not required.  That said,  we do have yearly fees for the website and we would love to expand our offerings.  Please only support if you are able and wish to help us grow! 

<3 TheSunnyMachine

Supporting IQ is first and foremost about supporting IQ as a community not about crazy benefits.

That said, if you support on patreon you will get a role and color that shows you are supporting.  Your name will be added to this page with a link back to any website you wish to promote where you are creating content.

If you choose to support at the $20 level on patreon, you will get a robust single page website custom made for your brand.  The longer you support at this level, the more features will be added to the website, including SEO, contact forms, custom discord links and more!